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5 Quirky Fun Facts About Rubber Ducks You Never Knew You Needed to Know!

illustration of rubber-ducks
Dive into the quirky world of rubber ducks, where every splash unravels fascinating tidbits about these beloved bath-time companions!

1. Rubber Ducks for Intellectual Development

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine clearly never spent time with a rubber duck – it's a prescription for giggles and intellectual growth! Quack your way into a toddler's heart and mind with this unsung yellow hero, championed by Sesame Street and Grammy nominee alike: Rubber ducks not only promote muscle development, coordination, and cognitive learning through water play, but they also boast a backstory involving a patent by Peter Ganine in the 1940s. His design, featuring a vibrant orange bill and vinyl construction, made playing with these lovable toys safer and more flexible for youngsters.
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2. Seafaring Rubber Ducks Aid Ocean Science

Once upon a quack in the watery wild, a flock of rubber ducks decided to become pioneers of ocean current science: In 1992, nearly 29,000 adorable bath buddies were accidentally released into the northern Pacific Ocean from a cargo ship, eventually helping scientists study surface currents and plastic pollution patterns in our wavy world.
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3. Rubber Ducks: Hydrodynamics and Pop Culture Icons

Featherless fowl on a floating folly: rubber ducks, with their steadfast reliability as bathtub buddies and poolside players, have unexpectedly dabbled in science by becoming trusty drifters aiding oceanographers in their quest to unravel the mysteries of sea currents – making a splash in both hydrodynamics and pop culture tunes like Sesame Street's "Rubber Duckie" and Rick Dees' "Disco Duck."
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4. Rubber Duck in Outer Space

Defying gravity one quack at a time, this featherless space traveler boldly went where no rubber duck had gone before: In 2013, astronaut Karen Nyberg took a rubber duck with her to the International Space Station as a "mascot" for her six-month mission, even filming a viral video of the duck floating around in zero gravity.
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Meet the World's Largest Rubber Duck

5. Meet the World's Largest Rubber Duck

Next time your rubber ducky goes MIA during bath time: don't summon the Coast Guard just yet, it might only be visiting its Titanic-sized matriarch out in the Great Lakes! In reality: the World's Largest Rubber Duck, affectionately known as Mama Duck, stands proud at 60 feet tall, takes 4 hours to inflate, and weighs a whopping 11 tons. First unleashed at Erie's Tall Ships festival in 2016, Mama Duck's belly holds 3,000 gallons of water, and she floats on an impressive steel pontoon, making her way across various U.S. and Canadian maritime events.
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