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Discover the Top 3 Surprising Fun Facts About Kindergarten Teachers You Never Knew!

illustration of kindergarten-teachers
Dive into the colorful and often surprising world of kindergarten teachers as we unveil some delightful fun facts that'll make you appreciate these early education maestros even more!

1. Part-time Wizards

Who knew kindergarten teachers were part-time wizards conjuring up a Harry Potter-worthy digital classroom transformation: These modern-day magicians from Somerville Public Schools quickly adapted to remote learning during the pandemic, piloting small-group reading interventions and incorporating music, videos, and online tools to keep their young pupils engaged, all while battling the dark forces of technical difficulties and assessment challenges.
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2. Germ Warriors

Kindergarten teachers, the ultimate germ warriors: they may face more sniffles and sneezes in their early career, but eventually their immune systems become little fortresses against the myriad of germy foes found in classrooms.
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3. Little Philosophers and Fashionistas

Little Facebook philosophers and pint-sized Easter fashionistas have meetings scheduled with their favorite gurus: Kindergarten teachers are perpetually entertained by their students' amusing remarks and inventive misunderstandings, such as identifying lowercase "f" as the Facebook logo, referring to Easter outfits as "costumes," and proudly confusing "sidetracked" with "subtracted."
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