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Uncovering Secrets: Top 5 Fascinating Facts About the World of Detectives You Never Knew

illustration of detectives
Get ready to unravel some mind-blowing mysteries, as we venture into the captivating world of whodunits and unveil these fascinating fun facts about detectives!

1. Pinkerton Agency: The Original Private Eyes

Before the Feds were chasing down bad apples and Barney Fife was a twinkle in Mayberry's eye, there roamed a dedicated posse of private eyes, hot on the trail of train-robbing bandits: Enter Allan Pinkerton and his Chicago-based Pinkerton National Detective Agency in the 1850s, single-handedly bringing justice to the wild west of the United States, with a little help from their railroad clientele, of course!
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2. Kate Warne: The President-Saving Detective

When Kate Warne wasn't busy getting into character and testifying against Lincoln's law for method acting, she dabbled in a little thing called "saving the president": Kate Warne, the first female detective in the Pinkerton Detective Agency and the United States, managed to foil the 1861 Baltimore Plot aimed at assassinating president-elect Abraham Lincoln by going undercover and gathering crucial intel. Her impressive accomplishments and trailblazing career in law enforcement have left quite the legacy.
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3. Bloodhounds: The Ultimate Crime-Fighting Canines

Holy hound, Batman! Our wonderful, wrinkly companions might be sniffing their way into our hearts, but they're also sniffing out the truth on a whole new level: Bloodhounds have a sense of smell estimated to be at least 1,000 times stronger than a human's, and their droopy ears help sweep scents towards their noses, enabling them to follow trails over 130 miles or 300 hours old – making them the ultimate crime-fighting canines in finding missing persons for nearly two centuries.
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4. Sherlock's Nine Lives

Sherlock Holmes has more in common with cats than just his feline-like observational prowess; the iconic detective too seems to have nine lives: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killed off Holmes in "The Final Problem" in 1893, only to resurrect him in 1903 due to the public's overwhelming demand, making Holmes the only fictional character to have such a death and resurrection tale.
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Allan Pinkerton: Lincoln's Detective Guardian Angel

5. Allan Pinkerton: Lincoln's Detective Guardian Angel

Before Lincoln was hunting vampires, he had quite the guardian angel watching over his top hat: Allan Pinkerton, while not one of Lincoln's personal bodyguards, played a pivotal role in managing the President-elect's security during his journey to Washington, D.C. in 1861, and even helped uncover a plot to assassinate him.
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