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6 Heavenly Secrets: Uncovering the Most Fascinating Fun Facts About Angels

illustration of angels
Dive into the celestial realm and discover some heavenly tidbits with these fun facts about angels that will have you flying high with curiosity!

1. Angelic Speed Demons

Who needs a souped-up sports car when you've got wings like these? Angels would leave even The Flash in the dust: In fact, these divine beings can zoom around the earth seven and a half times in just one second! Their mind-boggling speed paired with exceptional power and wisdom make them top-notch messengers, warriors, and guardians, holding an unparalleled efficiency in the supernatural realm.
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2. Celestial Grammy Awards

Forget the Grammy Awards and heavenly popstars: Angels have been belting out never-ending tunes that are truly divine. These celestial choir members sing continuous praises to God, exclaiming, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come," reminding us that only the Big Boss Upstairs is worthy of our adulation and air guitar sessions.
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3. Archangel Matchmaker

When the dating scene went biblical and Tinder was but a fish: Archangel Raphael, patron saint of healthcare professionals, played matchmaker and demon-slayer in the Book of Tobit, using fish-derived medicine to help young Tobias secure a happy marriage with his beloved Sarah - all while having a direct line to the Big Boss Himself.
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4. Warrior Angels Unite

Hold onto your halos and polish your trumpets, divine warriors are breaking stereotypes left and right: Angels in the Bible are commonly depicted as tough sword-wielding warriors or multi-winged beings covered in eyes, rather than the gentle, halo-sporting figures often seen in pop culture.
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Divine Disco Time

5. Divine Disco Time

Has your room ever suddenly lit up, leaving you wondering if you entered a divine disco? Well, you might be onto something: Angels have long been linked to light, with the Bible often referring to them as luminaries, and theologian Augustine positing that they might have been the OG light-bringers on the first day of creation as mentioned in Genesis 1:3-5. Fear not, for these dazzling beings are never associated with darkness or anything of that murky sort.
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6. Hot Wings, Seraphim Style

Move over, hot wings: the Seraphim's got you beat! With a sizzling six-winged figure and a divine job description that puts them at the top of the celestial pecking order, the Seraphim, found in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic texts, are not only God's burning hot bouncers but aptly called "the burning ones." According to Isaiah's account in the Bible, they constantly encircle God's throne, proclaiming his holiness with such intensity that even the prophet himself had to shield his face and feet from their powerful presence.
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