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10 Fascinating Facts About Singing: Uncover the Secrets and Fun Behind Every Note

illustration of singing
Dive into a symphony of surprises as you explore these fun facts about singing that are sure to make you hum with delight!

1. Group Singing Bonding

If harmonizing your heart out with friends was thought to be "Ooh La La," then the latest scientific finding will surely get you hitting the high notes in no time: group singing has been proven to increase social bonding and raise pain threshold levels, suggesting that it shares a similar social effect with physical grooming habits seen in non-human primates. So, go on and grab your choir friends for your next group hug-itation!
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2. Cow's Music Preference

Who knew Bessie had a playlist preference: According to a 2001 study from the University of Leicester, dairy cows tend to give more moo-licious milk when they listen to slow tunes under 100 BPM, such as R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts" and Simon & Garfunkel's "Bridge over Troubled Water," but there's no definitive link to serenading Bessie with your singing voice.
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3. Happiness from Choir Singing

Warning: singing may cause sudden outbreaks of happiness and camaraderie! Side effects include a powerful urge to link arms and sway together: As it turns out, recent research has shown that singing actively, compared to not singing, significantly boosts positive emotions and the feeling of social connectedness among amateur choir members – but it's yet to be determined if the ensuing cheerfulness is contagious.
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4. Choir Stress Relief

Feeling stressed? You might just need a little more "choir practice" in your life: Studies have found that group singing releases the good-time hormone oxytocin, which not only decreases anxiety and stress, but also increases warm, fuzzy feelings of trust and bonding among participants.
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Babies Rocking in the Womb

5. Babies Rocking in the Womb

As it turns out, even the tiniest humans have a rockin' sense of those womb beats: Babies can recognize their mother's voice and specific words repeated during pregnancy from as early as week 24. By tuning into mama's greatest hits, these womb-dwelling karaoke kings and queens can even raise their heart rate and tell one language apart from another at birth.
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6. Singing Health Benefits

Next time you're feeling under the weather or stressed, just remember: the hills are alive with the sound of mucus! Seriously, though: singing in a choir can boost your immunity by increasing Immunoglobulin A levels, the system's antibody superheroes, while releasing muscle tension and reducing the stress hormone cortisol in your blood. So, let your vocal cords work their magic, and you'll be feeling fine-tuned in no time!
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7. Social Bird Song Swapping

Who knew that birds could be such social butterflies, or rather, social sparrows? Swapping tunes like teenagers sharing playlists: Male mountain white-crowned sparrows adjust their songs according to their social environment, even developing unique dialects based on location and group; those out-of-town crooners suffer from lower paternity and higher parasite loads.
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8. Karaoke Workouts

Ever wished for a calorie-torching karaoke workout that might help you shed those extra pounds as a bonus to your near-perfect rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody"? Well, you're in (a teeny tiny bit of) luck: Singing can burn up to 136 calories per hour for a 150-pound person, and around 140 calories per hour for a 200-pound diva. But don't ditch your gym membership just yet, as singing alone won't turn you into a svelte superstar – you'll still need to break a proper sweat with more physically active forms of exercise!
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9. Musical DNA

Ever wondered if your inherited love for Mozart came with a side of DNA soup? Trust us, genes are jamming too: Twin studies reveal a genetic influence on musical ability, and elite musicians' digit ratios may hint at prenatal hormone exposure's impact on those head-bopping skills!
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Tone-deaf Troubadours

10. Tone-deaf Troubadours

Hark! Have you heard the tale of the tone-deaf troubadours? Fear not, for chances are you shan't meet one on your merry way, for they are rarer than a unicorn's sneeze: In fact, only a meager 4% of the population suffers from this pitch-impaired predicament. But before you break into celebratory song, know that even those blessed with melodious tunes within may struggle with pitch accuracy, as a symphony of brain, vocal cords, and breath must harmoniously unite. Alas, with perseverance and practice, even the most cacophonous crooners can evolve into sirens of song.
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