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7 Amazing Fun Facts About Mozart: Discover the Genius Behind the Music

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Embark on a melodious journey as we dive into amusing and lesser-known tidbits that reveal the captivating world of Mozart!

1. Composing Without Keyboards

Who needs keyboards when you've got perfect pitch?: Young Mozart, forbidden from touching a keyboard due to his father’s illness, composed his Symphony no. 1 in E-flat, K. 16, with his mind's ear alone - a testament to his extraordinary talent and perfect pitch, and a significant departure from more simplistic compositions, even including trumpet and drums.
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2. Mozart's Potty Humor

When Mozart wasn't composing bops for the classical charts, he loved indulging in some scatalogical humor, putting the "ass" in classical: This renowned composer started creating music at age five, but also had a penchant for bathroom humor, infusing fart jokes and suggestive wordplay in personal letters, including one to his cousin Marianne, although this was not uncommon in 18th-century German theater.
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3. Mozart's Cat Obsession

When Mozart isn't "feline" the music, he's chasing imaginary whiskers – and we're not "kitten" you: Mozart had a profound affection for cats, often mimicking their movements and sounds, and his legitimacy as a child prodigy was even confirmed by a cat's impromptu appearance during his Royal Society examination.
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4. Mozart's Spa Avoidance

It seems Mozart wasn't as much of a spa enthusiast as his harmonious compositions might suggest, and he surely didn't indulge in the 18th-century version of a mud bath while humming his latest symphony: On a rare occasion, he accompanied his wife Constanze to the spa town of Baden and even composed a short setting for mixed choir, string ensemble, and organ continuo during his stay, but he didn't frequent such establishments. His letters, however, do reveal a touching concern for his wife's safety while she enjoyed her spa treatments.
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Mozart: Fashion Icon

5. Mozart: Fashion Icon

Forget Mozart's symphonies; striking a chord in the fashion world was his true forte: Despite his small size, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a dandy of his time, amassing an extensive wardrobe filled with luxurious suits, waistcoats, and other garments much to the envy of his peers in Viennese society.
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6. Mozart's Binge-Composing Skills

If Mozart were alive today, he'd give binge-watchers a run for their money: the prodigal composer possessed an extraordinary musical memory that allowed him to retain entire works in his head, even composing new pieces while simultaneously writing down completely different ones!
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7. Mozart & Salieri's Musical Rivalry

Who says rivalries don't make beautiful music? Well, Antonio Salieri and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart sure composed a mean feud, enticing our ears and tantalizing historians for centuries: Antonio Salieri, though infamous for his alleged jealousy of Mozart and the rumored poisoning plot, was actually his contemporary and a revered composer in his own right; the maestro even taught budding virtuosos like Schubert, Beethoven, and Liszt, with Mozart among his star pupils!
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