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Unearthed Treasures: Top 10 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Johnny Cash You Never Knew

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Get ready to walk the line as we delve into some lesser-known and intriguing tidbits about the legendary Man in Black, Johnny Cash.

1. Morse Code Rockstar

Before cracking the code of the music world, Johnny Cash was proficient at cracking other codes, and maybe even rocked the Soviets to sleep: He served as a skilled Morse code interceptor in the Air Force, having the ability to transcribe nearly 40 words a minute. During his time stationed in Germany, he formed a band called the Landsberg Barbarians and regaled fellow servicemen with country tunes, and it was there that he met and fell for his future wife, Vivian Liberto, with whom he tied the knot after being honorably discharged as a staff sergeant.
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2. Surgical Scar Star

Before he was the original "Man-in-Scar-ed," Johnny Cash had an unexpected close encounter of the surgical kind: During his time in the Air Force, he underwent surgery to remove a cyst, resulting in a prominent scar on the right side of his jaw that later became a defining feature of his image and marked many of his captivating performances.
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3. Spanish Serenading

Who needs Rosetta Stone when you've got Johnny Cash and his guitar to teach you Spanish?: Mr. Cash released a Spanish album called "Johnny Cash Canta en Español," including a Spanish rendition of his classic hit "The Matador," bravely tackling the language barrier and expressing his admiration for Latin culture through song.
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4. Pill-Popping Preacher

Who needs a doctor when you have "A Boy Named Sue"? Johnny Cash was popping pills like a Pez dispenser gone rogue: Despite battling a heavy drug dependence that saw him taking up to 100 pills a day, the iconic country musician dedicated his time to helping and ministering those struggling with addiction, driven by his belief that Jesus had a mission for him to heal the brokenhearted. Sadly, the Man in Black succumbed to complications from diabetes in 2003, never fully overcoming his own battle against substance abuse.
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Prison Performer

5. Prison Performer

Before he "walked the line," Johnny Cash "rocked the cell block": Cash's performance at Folsom State Prison in 1968 was just one of many prison gigs he performed across the years, starting with Huntsville State Prison in 1957.
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6. Holy Murder-Mystery Cameo

Who knew the "Man in Black" could switch to a holy habit on the small screen? Johnny Cash took a break from his walkin' the line ways and got a taste of holy murder-mystery: In a 1974 episode of "Columbo," Cash starred as a gospel singer trying to off his too-devout wife, delivering a noteworthy performance, complete with his soul-stirring vocals and gritty acting chops playing a morally conflicted character.
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7. Mama Cash's Cookbook

Before the Man in Black cooked up country hits, his mama served up scrumptious soul food: Johnny Cash's mother, Mrs. Ray Cash, authored a cookbook called "Recipes and Memories from Mama Cash's Kitchen," filled with family recipes, anecdotes from Johnny's upbringing, and featuring handwritten notes and corrections by Mrs. Cash herself, even signing the title page.
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8. Native American Advocate

Before he "Walked the Line" with his beloved June, Johnny Cash was belting out tunes and fighting for Native American rights like the lovechild of a cowboy crooner and a tribal human rights lawyer: Adopted into the Seneca Turtle clan and given the name "Hago'ata" which means "Storyteller" in 1966, Johnny and June were later named "DaGynDaGeah" and "jasihu gyałe" — meaning "He is Coming with the Song" and "She Who Brings Light," respectively — after their Canadian National Exhibition performance in 1970, where June was also presented with a beaded headdress and wolf symbol necklace.
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9. Ambidextrous Guitarist

Who said ambidextrous was strictly for athletes? Our beloved Man in Black had his own secret weapon in the musical arena: Johnny Cash could play the guitar with both his left and right hands! The conundrum of his preferred strumming side remains shrouded in mystery, with controversial images and visuals casting doubts on his primary hand orientation. Alas, dear reader, the real treasure lies not in Cash's ambidexterity but in his pioneering "boom-chicka-boom" rhythm that redefined country music for generations to come.
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Chart-Topping Convict

10. Chart-Topping Convict

The Man in Black was seeing red lights and blue uniforms way before the movies got their hands on it: Johnny Cash, despite his numerous arrests for drug possession and public drunkenness, would go on to record two chart-topping live albums, Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison and Johnny Cash at San Quentin, selling over 6.5 million copies combined and even outperforming the Beatles.
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