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Discover the Secrets of Paris: 14 Fascinating Fun Facts About the Mona Lisa You Never Knew

illustration of the-mona-lisa
Unravel the enigmatic smile of Da Vinci's masterpiece as you explore these captivating fun facts about the Mona Lisa.

1. Mona Lisa: The Original Russian Nesting Doll Painting

Who knew wood could hold such secrets and smiles? The Mona Lisa, with her enigmatic grin, may just be the best-known plank in the biz: This famous face was conjured by none other than Leonardo da Vinci on a humble poplar panel (79.4 x 53.4 x 1.4 cm) between 1503-1519, but the true magic lies beneath – beneath the paint, that is! X-ray examination reveals not one, not two, but three other paintings hidden underneath, making it a true artistic Russian nesting doll.
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2. Sister Mona Vanna: The Lost Renaissance Snapchat?

Did the Mona Lisa have a saucy sister who sent Renaissance boudoir pics? Rumor has it, she did: A charcoal sketch called the Monna Vanna, strikingly similar to the Mona Lisa, is being examined by Louvre experts to determine if it's a preparatory sketch for a now-lost nude oil painting, and whether it was partly created by Leonardo da Vinci himself. This could shed light on the artist and his period, making us rethink our notions of history – and the Renaissance version of Snapchat.
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3. Artist Rite of Passage: The Mona Lisa Rehatching-sense

From coffee stains to Rubik's Cubes, the Mona Lisa's smile has become an artistic rite of passage – or should we say "Rehatching-sense": Since she first donned her enigmatic grin, countless artists have recreated, parodied or drawn inspiration from the Mona Lisa in various mediums, including Leonardo da Vinci's own contemporaries. The great Duchamp and Dalí themselves couldn't resist commenting on her smile through their art, affirming once more the Mona Lisa as one of art history's most versatile muses.
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4. Unbreakable Lisa: The Hollywood Blockbuster Survivor

Like a Ninja Turtles movie sequel that just never dies, the Mona Lisa has managed to dodge a series of murderous attempts worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster: Despite being attacked with a razor blade, assaulted with acid, and targeted by a hot-headed teacup-thrower, the famed painting remains unscathed, protected by its trusty glass sidekick and securing its position as one of humanity's most enduring and resilient masterpieces.
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Mona Lisa's Great Escape: A Heist to Remember

5. Mona Lisa's Great Escape: A Heist to Remember

From "Mona Lisa's Great Escape" to headlining at the Louvre: The gorgeous gal we know as the Mona Lisa owes her fame to a grand heist by ex-Louvre employee Vincenzo Perugia in 1911, who planned to restore her to Italy. Thankfully, Mona's two-year sabbatical ended with her peaceful return, ensuring our beloved icon would continue to smile for years to come.
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6. From Morgue to Smirk: Leonardo's Cheeky Anatomy Lessons

When life gave Leonardo da Vinci lemons, he made a smile in the morgue: Da Vinci spent time dissecting cadavers under the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova to understand the complex intricacies of facial muscles, ultimately allowing him to create Mona Lisa's iconic and enigmatic smile that leaves us pondering its secrets centuries later.
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7. WWII Hide-and-Seek Champion: The Wandering Art Heist

In an epic game of historical hide-and-seek, the enigmatic lady with the mystic smile had quite a field trip: During World War II, the Mona Lisa was evacuated from the Louvre and transported to several different locations in the south of France, shifting six times to avoid Nazi hands, finally returning to its home in the Louvre after the war ended.
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8. The Mona Lisa: Art Olympic's Endearing Silver Medalist

While the Mona Lisa may be the queen of smirk and the artwork on everybody's pouting lips, she's not quite the crowned jewel of the art auction arena: In reality, Leonardo da Vinci's enigmatic lady is valued at around $860 million, which pales in comparison to the record-breaking $450.5 million sale of Salvator Mundi (adjusted for inflation: $475.4 million), making her the ultimate silver medalist in the fine art Olympics.
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9. Lisa Gherardini: The Enigma Behind the Mona Lisa

While Leonardo da Vinci may have had a cheeky sense of humor when it came to painting Mona Lisa's iconic smirk, her true identity was no laughing matter: The portrait's subject is believed to be Lisa Gherardini, wife of a Florentine merchant, whose life details remain as enigmatic as her smile.
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A Gioconda Smile: Unraveling the Ultimate Art Mystery

10. A Gioconda Smile: Unraveling the Ultimate Art Mystery

Mona Lisa's got a secret and she's like an onion: layers, folks, layers! The reason behind her enigmatic and famous smile has bewitched many, but did you know it might just be a simple play on words?: The sitter's name, Gioconda, translates to happiness in Italian, leading some art experts to believe that Leonardo da Vinci intentionally painted her with a subtle grin to represent this very idea, though the true meaning still remains a tantalizing mystery.
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11. The Case of the Disappearing Eyebrows: Mona Lisa's Houdini Act

Looks like Mona Lisa's eyebrows did a vanishing act faster than Houdini: A French engineer using high-tech cameras found that Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece originally had eyebrows and eyelashes, which were either lost during an unsuccessful cleaning or faded over time. Additionally, the analysis revealed the painting underwent touch-ups in 1956 after an ill-mannered visitor had a "rocky" encounter with it, and that there are hidden sketches showing Mona Lisa once had a different finger formation.
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12. Louvre's Mona Lisa Breathes Easy: The 30,000 Visitors Cap

In a move that would make Mona Lisa smile even wider, the Louvre Museum finally gave its overcrowded guests some breathing room: They've implemented a daily cap of 30,000 visitors to ensure a more enjoyable experience for art enthusiasts and staff alike, with international tourists comprising 70 percent of visitors in 2022.
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13. Artistic Makeovers: The Timeless Mona Lisa Endures

From mustaches borrowed by Dali to beards mimicked by Duchamp, Mona Lisa has been the ultimate muse for artistic jesters, graciously enduring these 'facial makeovers' with her enigmatic smile: However, despite the artistic poke, the original Mona Lisa remains nestled in the heart of France, gracing royal palaces or the Louvre museum, untouched by creative hijinks and maintaining a regal composure.
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14. Dissecting Smiles: Unveiling Secrets of the Mona Lisa's Duck Face

Before inventing the world's first "duck face," Leonardo da Vinci actually had to perform some facial reconstructions of his own: he spent years dissecting human faces to understand the muscles that move the lips, employing his knowledge of anatomy, optics, and the science of the retina, to perfectly capture Mona Lisa's iconic and enigmatic smile.
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