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Divine Discoveries: 13 Fascinating Fun Facts About the Creation of Adam That'll Leave You in Awe!

illustration of the-creation-of-adam
Dive into the fascinating world of Michelangelo's iconic masterpiece, as we unveil some surprising tidbits about the Creation of Adam that will make you say, "Holy fresco!"

1. High-five Misconception

High-five to humanity: Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam is often misinterpreted as a celebratory hand slap between God and Adam, but it actually depicts the divine moment of imparting life to mankind, illustrating the ethereal connection between the Creator and His creation.
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2. Culinary Creator Michelangelo

In an artistic take of "spare ribs," Michelangelo seemed to be quite the culinary creator on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, serving up more than just the famous Creation of Adam: In fact, the fresco adjacent to it, called the Creation of Eve, also features the making of mankind, with Eve being formed from one of Adam’s ribs!
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3. E.T. Meets Creation of Adam

When Michelangelo's iconic fingers met E.T.'s extraterrestrial digits, a whole new spark of life was ignited: The Creation of Adam has inspired countless homages and parodies, from a movie poster for the 1982 film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial to versions featuring the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jim Henson and his muppet creations, Nintendo creator Shigeru Miyamoto, and even a comic book spread in the Legion of Superheroes series.
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4. Adam's Extra Rib

You think you've got spare ribs? Just take a look at Adam in Michelangelo's masterpiece: It turns out, Michelangelo purposefully added an extra rib to his painting of Adam in the Creation of Adam, cleverly hinting at the birth of Eve from Adam's rib as told in the book of Genesis.
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Michelangelo's Pitch

5. Michelangelo's Pitch

Forget Michelangelo playing hard to get like a moody artist: he actually pitched the idea to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling with Old Testament scenes nestled in the stunning fictive architecture, kissing the original blue starry sky goodbye!
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6. Renaissance HGTV

In a Michelangelo-style Jamboree, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel wasn't painted in a "DIY Solo" adventure, but rather as the Renaissance equivalent of an HGTV feature: In reality, Michelangelo had up to 13 skilled assistants working hand-in-hand with him, managing everything from paint-mixing to brush cleaning and even painting secondary figures and architecture, all under the watchful eye and savviness of the master artist and delegator himself.
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7. Bodybuilder Michelangelo

You could say Michelangelo was the original bodybuilder, though rather than pumping iron, he flexed his artistic muscles with human anatomy to achieve a masterpiece: He studied human muscles from various angles and made molds, which he used to create the realistically sculpted figure of Adam in the Creation of Adam on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, without ever needing to sneak into a medical school for a cheeky dissection.
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8. Dive into The Deluge

When Noah shouted "Let's dive into this painting!", he didn't think he'd actually end up on Michelangelo's masterpiece: The Deluge, another breathtaking fresco on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, showcases the biblical tale of Noah's flood with tiny, clustered figures depicting the panic of those about to be submerged, making the dramatic scene harder to grasp by mere mortals observing from the chapel floor.
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9. Record for Imitations

Move over replicating rabbits, there's a higher being in the duplication game: The Creation of Adam holds the heavenly record for imitations and parodies across the globe! The real deal, however, is a Michelangelo masterpiece painted between 1508-1512 on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, depicting God breathing life into Adam from the Book of Genesis, and it measures a divine 280 cm × 570 cm (9 ft 2 in × 18 ft 8 in).
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Divine Tinder Match

10. Divine Tinder Match

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam could've saved us a few by texting "OMW" instead of the swiping-right-fails of heavenly hands: The iconic finger-bridging scene in this masterpiece doesn't represent the pursuit of divine knowledge, but rather illustrates the very moment God bestows the breath of life upon Adam, with His index finger on the verge of sparking creation's greatest Tinder match between heaven and earth.
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11. Hidden Neuroscience

Well, butter my biscuits and call me Michelangelo! It turns out our favorite Renaissance man might have had a PhD in neuroscience, hidden in plain sight: In his 'Creation of Adam' fresco, the drapery and angels surrounding God are expertly crafted to resemble the human brain, complete with sulci, brain stem, pituitary gland, basilar artery, and optic chasm.
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12. Studio 54 Party

Michelangelo's Studio 54 has nothing to do with disco, but played host to a fab party of five: Michelangelo and his four Florence-approved wingmen, grooving their way up onto the Sistine Chapel ceiling! But don't fret about artistic integrity: these funky assistants mostly mixed and matched pigments, prepped the canvas, and reported to chief party planner, Francesco Granacci, leaving Michelangelo to paint the divine dance in solitude.
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13. Sneaky Gap Sparks Debate

Finger-lickin' close but no cigar: In Michelangelo's Creation of Adam, it appears that God and Adam's fingers are just about to touch, but there's actually a sneaky gap between them that sparks theological debates and tickles our artistic curiosity.
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