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Top 10 Fun Facts About Rembrandt: Discover the Intriguing Life and Masterpieces of the Legendary Artist

illustration of rembrandt
"Delve into the fascinating world of Rembrandt with these intriguing tidbits that are sure to make you appreciate the Dutch master's genius even more!"

1. King of Self-Portraits

Move over, selfie-obsessed Kardashians - there's a 17th-century Dutch master who had you beat by a few hundred years: Rembrandt not only dabbled in painting self-portraits, but he also flexed his creative muscles across 80 different drawings, etchings, and paintings, showcasing his tireless commitment to perfecting the art of his own face.
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2. Lucrative Laughter

Who knew laughter could be so lucrative? From Gloucestershire's auction house to California's art scene, Rembrandt's giggle has been as contagious as one of those viral videos where babies laugh at ripping paper: This hilariously named artwork, "Rembrandt Laughing," once had a humble valuation at £1000-1500 but ended up fetching £2.2m at an English auction before being snagged up by the J. Paul Getty Museum for a side-splitting £16.5m.
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3. Selfie-Bomb Pioneer

Peekaboo Rembrandt: putting the "self" in self-portrait by pioneering artist selfie-bombing back in the 17th century! In his renowned piece "The Night Watch", Rembrandt van Rijn features himself not hidden among the characters, but prominently in the center background wearing a black hat and staring directly at the viewer, making self-cameos a common occurrence in his masterful work.
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4. Tinder Bio Master

Struggling with your Tinder bio? Just remember Rembrandt, the ultimate swipe-right master who didn't just paint, but also revolutionized the art of etching: This multi-talented Dutch artist single-handedly turned etching from a simple reproduction technique into a respected art form, becoming the greatest etcher in history during his lifetime. With an impressive portfolio boasting around 300 paintings, 300 etchings, and 2,000 drawings, Rembrandt's creative range spilled across numerous styles and subjects – from portraits to landscapes, and the divine to the downright adorable.
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#BedHead King

5. #BedHead King

If Rembrandt had a modern-day Instagram, he'd be the king of #BedHead posting daily #NoFilter selfies: This master artist not only loved to create self-portraits to document his life, but was also known for embracing his natural, untamed locks which he often painted with loose brushstrokes. In some pieces, though, he'd opt for a felt cap, leaving only his piercing eyes and distinguished nose to captivate the viewer.
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6. 5D Rembrandt Experience

Imagine getting the "Scent-sational Experience Rembrandt Edition" – a famous painter, 17th-century Amsterdam, and a dash of five-dimensional artistry: At Rembrandt’s former studio in Amsterdam, visitors can delve into the artist's life with an immersive excursion that involves video projections, fragrances, musical accompaniments, and 5D effects, all available in multiple languages and praised by those who've witnessed it first-hand.
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7. Golden Mistaken Identity

Talk about a golden case of mistaken identity: For years, the "Man with the Golden Helmet" was thought to be a Rembrandt masterpiece, but Dutch detectives, a.k.a curators, uncovered it was actually created by a talented member of Rembrandt's artistic entourage around 1650! This now mysterious artist's work still dazzles visitors at its current residence in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin.
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8. Missing Apostle Paul

You might say Rembrandt was an "apostle-ernaut" for never reaching the Paul-ar zone: contrary to popular belief, there is no record of the artist creating any artwork featuring The Apostle Paul, despite his extensive portfolio of biblical story depictions, including patriarchs, judges, and Jesus' life and ministry.
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9. Courthouse Casanova

Call him the Courthouse Casanova, the Litigious Lothario, the Sultan of Suits: Rembrandt found himself embroiled in over 20 legal disputes, but his artistic prowess never waned, still commanding top dollar for his masterpieces despite financial turmoil and courtroom tête-à-têtes.
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New York Debut

10. New York Debut

In a plot twist worthy of Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring," she's coming to the Big Apple: Rembrandt's masterpiece will be displayed in New York for the first time in nearly three decades at The Frick Collection's exhibition of Dutch paintings, running from October 22, 2013 to January 19, 2014, among other celebrated works by Dutch artists like Frans Hals and Jan Steen.
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