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Discover the Top 9 Surprising and Entertaining Fun Facts About Homecoming Celebrations!

illustration of homecoming
Dive into the quirky, surprising, and downright amusing side of homecoming with these delightful fun facts that are sure to tickle your fancy and spark your curiosity.

1. Tractor Pull Homecoming

Who said pigskin reigns supreme? With schools passing the ball to and fro, some institutions are trading their shoes for tractor gears – a sports team's only wrong move may just be a loose nut: Surprisingly, homecoming games aren't exclusively reserved for football, as schools have celebrated with hockey, volleyball, and basketball games. Indiana even welcomed their alumni home with a tractor pull!
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2. Demeter's Ancient Greek Party

Before Zeus started throwing lightning bolts, Demeter was throwing agriculture parties: The Thesmophoria in ancient Greece was a festive three-day gala celebrating the goddess of crops, Demeter, and her daughter Persephone. This seasonal shindig helped ensure a bountiful harvest and was exclusive to adult women who engaged in secret fertility rituals that would give a modern homecoming dance a run for its money.
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3. Texas Mums, Inc.

In the Lone Star State, they say everything is bigger, and homecoming is no exception: it's more than just a dance, it's a mum-entous occasion! In the world of Texas homecoming, Mums, Inc., a network started by Kisha Clark in 2012, connects and supports 145 mum-making professionals and 80 businesses focused on the creation of these oversized corsages. The popularity of these ostentatious mums has given rise to companies like DK Florals Inc., which ships its elaborate creations not only across Texas, but out of state as well.
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4. High-Priced Texas-Sized Mums

They say everything's bigger in Texas, and it appears that even includes the high school tradition of wearing a chrysanthemum on homecoming night. Bigger than both the hair and the cowboy hats, these Texas-sized mums are all the rage, boasting price tags that rival some people's monthly rent: In the Lone Star State, it's not uncommon for these extravagant homecoming mums to cost up to $1,000, featuring massive silk chrysanthemums adorned with ribbons, bells, bows, glitter, and sometimes even a stuffed animal showcasing the school's mascot. Though the tradition started in Missouri in 1911, Texas has taken it to new – and larger than life – heights.
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Disputed Homecoming Origins

5. Disputed Homecoming Origins

When universities play "Tag, You're It!" with traditions: Homecoming dates back to the early 1900s, and schools like Baylor University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Missouri all claim to have started it first. Regardless of its true origin, homecoming has grown into a festive celebration packed with football games, parades, dances, and at York High School, even crowning the King and Queen of the Couch – because who doesn't want to rule the world of comfy seating? Over the years, York's homecoming has also featured pep rallies, tailgating, pie-eating contests, tug-of-war competitions, and everybody's favorite high-energy dance, the sock hop.
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6. Baylor's 1909 Celebration

Before the days of TikTok challenges and flashy promposals, folks knew how to party like it was 1909: The first-ever Baylor Homecoming took place that year, featuring a band concert, receptions, class reunions, speeches, a parade with over 130 entries, Green and Gold decorations throughout Waco, Texas, and a victorious football game on Thanksgiving Day – though it must be noted that some other universities had similar celebrations in the late teens or 1920s.
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7. Pre-Social Media Reunions

Before the age of group chats, Zoom reunions, and Swiping Right to rekindle old connections, people gathered in the physical realm – a land filled with awkward encounters, forgotten names, and lively cheering sections: Homecoming's origin can be traced back to 19th-century alumni football games at colleges and universities, with the University of Missouri's 1911 football game, featuring a parade and the game itself, being recognized by Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy! as the first official homecoming event.
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8. Oklahoma State's Grand Homecoming

In the land of cowboys and tornadoes, one festive event has been ropin' and whirlin' its way to the top of the charts faster than a greased lightning: Oklahoma State University's homecoming celebration has grown exponentially since its 1920 inception, boasting over 17,000 alumni attendees by 1930, and now proudly wears the moniker of "America's Greatest Homecoming Celebration" with a parade over a mile long.
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9. Homecoming for Vietnam War Veterans

Who said homecomings were just for awkward prom moments? That’s not the case for heroic veterans: In honor of those who served in the military during the Vietnam War, the U.S. Vietnam War Commemoration sponsored a grand homecoming celebration on the National Mall, complete with exhibits, live music, and an array of festivities, marking a growing recognition of the importance of honoring our returning heroes.
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