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Discover the Magic: Top 7 Must-Know Fun Facts About Parisian Fairs

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Dive into the thrilling world of fairs with these fascinating tidbits that'll leave you spinning like a Ferris wheel and craving cotton candy on your fingertips!

1. Orlando StarFlyer: Mile-High Swing Ride

Strap in and join the Mile-High Club, somewhat closer to the ground: The Orlando StarFlyer is the world's tallest swing ride, standing at 450 feet, designed by Russian engineer Valeriy Kudoyarov. With room for 24 adrenaline junkies, speeds of up to 60mph, and a dazzling display of 240,000 LED lights, this towering marvel leaves riders feeling a little starry-eyed as they take in the stunning views of International Drive and beyond.
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2. Zipper: Notorious Stomach-churning Classic

Buckle up for a zip-a-dee-doo-dah time on the ride that's been making fair-goers lose their lunch since 1968: The Zipper, designed by Joseph Brown under Chance Rides, once had quite the dark past with safety issues causing a series of fatalities in the late 1970s, but fear not, as revisions have since been made to the lock system and restraints, ensuring a thrilling yet secure experience as you flip both clockwise and counter-clockwise.
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3. Barnum's American Museum: Birthplace of Oddities

Before P.T. Barnum was a "Greatest Showman," he was a museum curator to the Shakespearean highbrows and the freakshow-loving shindigs, all under one New York roof: Barnum's American Museum, established in 1841, entertained up to 15,000 daily visitors with its five-story smorgasbord of curiosities – from the diminutive General Tom Thumb to bickering Siamese twins Chang and Eng – comprising a zoo, wax museum, theater, and even a "Lecture Room" for family-friendly morality plays and Shakespearean dramas, until it ultimately succumbed to fire, not once but twice in 1865 and 1868!
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4. Kidney Stones: Rollercoaster Remedy?

Next time you're screaming your head off on a roller coaster, just remember: you might be giving your kidneys a wild ride too! Coasters could be rockin' out those pesky little kidney stones: While some believe the gravitational forces experienced on roller coasters may scoot those stony nuisances right out of your kidneys, more studies are needed to fully grasp this whirlwind phenomenon, and whether alternatives like a simple stroll or massage may be just as effective. But, don't go binge riding coasters as a cure all: always consult a medical professional for personalized medical advice!
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Scrambler: Dancefloor of Amusement Rides

5. Scrambler: Dancefloor of Amusement Rides

When the Twist, Cha Cha, and the Twisty Cha-Cha-Cha all mashed together at the dancefloor of amusement rides, the Scrambler was born: Originally created by the Eli Bridge company in 1955, this low-maintenance, fan-favorite ride has evolved into various versions such as A.R.M's Twist and Wisdom's Sizzler, and can be found spinning and jiving away in carnivals and amusement parks around the world.
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6. Elektro: World's Fair RoboCop Ancestor

Before robots took our jobs and Siri haunted our pockets, Elektro the Moto-Man towered over the 1939 New York World's Fair like a charmingly antiquated RoboCop: This ambitious event showcased then-cutting-edge innovations such as the Westinghouse Time Capsule, planned to be unearthed in 5,000 years, and Elektro, the 7-foot-tall talking, color-distinguishing robot. And while it didn't invent television, the fair crucially introduced it to the American public thanks to RCA's attention-grabbing display.
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7. Bizarre State Fair Foods: A Culinary Dare!

Hungry for a gastronomic rollercoaster ride, or simply craving a bacon-wrapped case of the "sizzles"? Pack your taste buds and embark on a culinary adventure at state fairs across the nation: These fairground spectacles offer mouthwatering treats such as deep-fried scorpions in Arizona, pickle pops in Kansas, salad on a stick in Iowa, bacon-wrapped caramel apples in various states, reindeer hot dogs in Alaska, deep-fried green Jell-O in Utah, SPAM curds in Minnesota, the Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe in Virginia, deep-fried s'mores in Wisconsin, and deep-fried Girl Scout cookies in North Carolina!
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