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Discover the Magic: 13 Enthralling Fun Facts About Pegasus You Never Knew!

illustration of pegasus
Get ready to spread your wings and soar through the clouds as you uncover a treasure trove of whimsical tidbits and exhilarating trivia all about the mythical equine wonder, Pegasus!

1. Winged Uber for Ancient Greek Heroes

Next time you're stuck in traffic, don't bother calling this winged Uber: Pegasus doesn't do rideshares and only accepts ancient Greek heroes as passengers: Pegasus, the famous winged horse from Greek mythology, was born from the neck of the beheaded Medusa and had quite the heroic résumé, including being tamed by Bellerophon and fighting against the Chimera. Just don't expect him to swoop down and help with your modern-day commuting woes.
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2. Pegasus: Lava Game Champ

If Pegasus played the floor is lava, he'd nail it every time: This legendary winged horse from Greek mythology could create springs by simply striking his hoof on the ground, providing him with the ultimate game-winning splash-attack.
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3. Bottling Pegasus Inspiration

Whoever said you can't bottle inspiration never met Pegasus: This mythical winged stallion had a penchant for digging up the Hippocrene spring, whose waters supposedly gave humans the ability to pen poetry. Nowadays, Pegasus soars through the cosmos as the 7th largest constellation, boasting 12 star systems with exoplanets and the orange supergiant Epsilon Pegasi, which illuminates the equine constellation's skyward snout.
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4. Pegasus: The Ultimate Wingman

Pegasus, the original wingman, wasn't just Bellerophontes' trusty airborne steed like some mythological Lyft service: Turns out, during the epic battle against the Chimera, Pegasus not only flew Bellerophontes to the battleground, but also actively participated in the smackdown, breathing fire, and going head-to-head with the beast to score the victory.
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Pegasus in Starbucks Logo History

5. Pegasus in Starbucks Logo History

Hold your horses, or rather, your winged stallions: Pegasus has been sneakily frolicking around in pop culture, notably popping up in an unexpected place – the original Starbucks logo in 1971. That's right, the winged emblem you might assume to be Pegasus is actually a bare-breasted figure who, with several makeovers, transformed into the green and white Siren we know today. So while Pegasus isn't the actual star of the show, his mythological essence is undoubtedly fluttering about in your morning cup of joe.
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6. Disney's Hercules and Pegasus: BFFs

If the 1997 Disney film "Hercules" were a buddy cop movie, he'd be the yang to the hero's yin, the feathered BFF with enough loyalty to soar circles around any competition: Pegasus stars as the ever-present flying horse companion, escorting Herc through countless dangers and serving up a side dish of laughter with a healthy dollop of goofball antics.-
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7. Pegasus' Mythical Love-Life

Hold your horses: Pegasus was quite the stallion, wooing not just any mare but the centaur Chiron's lovely daughter Ocyrhoe! The serious reveal: This mythical power couple produced Celeris, another fleet-footed equine, and possibly Melanippe, who some believed kick-started a whole new breed of winged horsies.
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8. Pegasus' Trip to Mount Olympus

In an ancient turn of "Expecto Patronum" gone wrong, Bellerophon's joyride on the celestial horse Pegasus took a dive when things got too godly: Pegasus and Bellerophon, after performing great feats like defeating the Chimera, had a fallout when Bellerophon's arrogance made him attempt to ride Pegasus to Mount Olympus, angering Zeus, who then sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus, causing Bellerophon to fall and be crippled for life, while Pegasus continued to serve the gods and earn a shiny constellation as a retirement plan.
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9. Pegasus: A Hoof in Poetry

Did you know Pegasus had a hoof in the poetry business? Legend has it that when he wasn’t galloping through the sky, he had a side gig moonlighting as a muse: Pegasus allegedly struck the ground with his hoof, creating the Hippocrene spring, which was believed to grant writers the power to compose poetry.
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Pegasus' Hoof-Tapping Fountains

10. Pegasus' Hoof-Tapping Fountains

If Pegasus were a star on Broadway, it would definitely be known for its hoof-tapping, fountain-making-talent: In Greek mythology, the magical Pegasus had the power to create fountains or springs by simply stomping its hooves onto the ground, producing a thunderous noise – but you won't find any record of it striking a spring in Africa, Greek myths draw the line there.
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11. Pegasus' Soap Opera Family Drama

You've heard of family dramas, but did you know the ancient Greek gods had some soap opera-worthy storylines of their own? Picture this: a bizarre love triangle between a hero, a sea god, and a lady with snake hair leads to the most unexpected baby announcements in history – or rather, two of them: After Perseus severed Medusa's head, Pegasus, the winged horse, and his lesser-known brother Chrysaor were born from her blood falling into the ocean. While Pegasus soared into fame, Chrysaor earned his stripes as the "golden sword" wielder and son of Poseidon and Medusa.
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12. Red Bull vs. Pegasus

"If you think Red Bull gives you wings, you’ve never met Pegasus": in Greek mythology, this winged horse not only symbolized poetic inspiration but also carried Zeus' lightning bolts in battle, ultimately earning his spot as a constellation in the sky.
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13. Pegasus Olympics and Horse Races

Hold your horses, or rather, winged horses: Pegasus was a legendary flying steed tamed by Bellerophon with the help of Athena's magical bridle, traditionally known for their epic battle against the fearsome Chimera – a part-lion, part-goat, part-serpent creature. This dynamic duo was later honored in the not-so-modern-day Pegasus Olympics called the Pegasia, which featured horse races and a festive parade, but alas, Pegasus never had a shot at breaking records on the racetrack.
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