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Discover the Intrigue: Top 14 Amazing Fun Facts About Eris, the Greek Goddess of Chaos and Discord

illustration of eris-the-greek-goddess
Dive into the chaotic world of Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord, as we unravel some amusing and intriguing facts about this tumultuous divinity!

1. Eris: The Ultimate Wedding Crasher

It's not easy being green - or a Greek goddess scorned, for that matter: Eris, the goddess of chaos and discord, took being snubbed an RSVP level up when she crashed the wedding of King Peleus and Thetis, gifting them a golden apple with "To the Fairest" inscribed upon it. Little did the partygoers know, this seemingly innocuous gesture would spark a divine catfight between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, relying on Paris to play referee; he eventually went for Aphrodite's offer of Helen's love, lassoing them all into the ultimate drama fest known as the Trojan War.
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2. Golden-Apple Thrower & Beauty Contest Provoker

Eris, the original wedding crasher with a penchant for chaos: This Greek goddess kickstarted the Trojan War by hurling a golden apple labeled "For the most beautiful" into a wedding she wasn't invited to, igniting a divine catfight among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite over who deserved the shiny prize.
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3. Sibling-Free Solo Chaos Queen

Eris, the quarrelsome queen of uninvited guests, notorious for crashing parties and provoking the divine squabbles that made the ancient Greeks say "hold my ambrosia": this mischief-maker of a goddess is actually sibling-free, choosing instead to sow discord solo without any celestial sidekicks.
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4. Apple-Induced Trojan War Starter

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, this one definitely started a war: Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos and strife, crafted the notorious golden Apple of Discord inscribed with "To the Fairest One," sparking a fierce beauty contest between Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite that ultimately led to the Trojan War.
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Dwarf Planet Muse & Celestial Disruptor

5. Dwarf Planet Muse & Celestial Disruptor

When she's not sowing discord among the Greek gods, Eris likes to moonlight as a dwarf planet's muse: The celestial body discovered in 2005 was named after the goddess of strife and discord due to its highly eccentric orbit, which has the potential to disrupt planetary classifications in our solar system.
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6. Eris' Apple: Enviable Rivalry Catalyst

Rumor has it that Eris had a bit of an "apple of discord" moment once – no, not the tech giant, but an actual golden apple: Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord, instigated the Trojan War by tossing a golden apple with "To the fairest" written on it among Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, igniting an envious rivalry that led to a massive showdown and carnage.
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7. Discordianism's Unorthodox Saint Emperor

Beware of Greeks bearing unorthodox saints: Within the peculiar realm of Discordianism, a religion exalting Greek goddess Eris, one might find the enigmatic Emperor Norton, a chap known for his delusions, revered as a second-class saint for his devotion to individualism and unparalleled flair for snubbing societal norms.
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8. Chaotic Family Reunion Hostess

While Eris might not have won the "Mother of the Year" award in ancient Greece, she sure knew how to create a chaotic family reunion: Eris, goddess of strife, is the proud momma to several offspring including Dysnomia, the delightful spirit of lawlessness, showcasing her independence and fierce nature in Greek mythology.
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9. 'Chaotic Evil' Greek Party Misadventurer

Eris, the original "Chaotic Evil" character in the Greek pantheon, had a knack for turning even heavenly soirées into divine misadventures: The goddess of discord single-handedly initiated the Trojan War by crashing the wedding of Thetis and Peleus, only to cause a beauty contest between Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera that plunged the mortal world into conflict and strife.
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Regina George's Greek Mythological Predecessor

10. Regina George's Greek Mythological Predecessor

If you thought Regina George was the original queen of starting drama, think again: Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and chaos, was literally the mastermind behind the ultimate catfight – hurling the Golden Apple of Discord among goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite to fuel a rivalry that snowballed into the Judgment of Paris and eventually spiraled into the infamous Trojan War. However, the Greeks begrudgingly acknowledged her as a driving force for change and progress within their tales of mythology.
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11. Ultimate Gossip Goddess & War Instigator

If Eris were a modern-day gal, she'd get her kicks from being the ultimate instigator, a goddess of gossip that would rival even the most fabulous reality TV stars: In Greek mythology, Eris was the deity of strife, conflict, and disharmony, often riding shotgun with her belligerent brother Ares into battle, expertly fanning the flames of war and bickering among soldiers.
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12. Cosmic Doppelgänger: Eris, the Dwarf Planet

Hey there, planet-hoppers! Strap on your space boots and grab your moon pies, because we're taking a cosmic detour to visit an offbeat interstellar diva: Eris, the Greek goddess of discord, has a celestial doppelgänger named after her feisty ways. What's the cosmic scoop, you ask: Well, Eris happens to be the largest known object in the scattered disc, a region beyond Neptune filled with icy small bodies. Initially classified as the tenth planet, this troublemaker fittingly shook things up in 2006, causing the International Astronomical Union to redefine "planet" and relegate Eris, along with Pluto, to dwarf planet status. Who'd have guessed the goddess of chaos would leave her celestial mark?
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13. Side Gig: Dwarf Planet Queen & Identity Crisis

When Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos, wasn't busy throwing golden apples at parties and causing all sorts of divine trouble, she took up a side gig as the dwarf planet queen and sparked a celestial identity crisis: Eris is the namesake of the largest known dwarf planet discovered in 2003, whose classification led to Pluto's demotion and boasts one moon, Dysnomia, named after her daughter, the spirit of lawlessness.
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14. Tech-Giant CEO's Apple-Wielding Rival

Eris: a little-known goddess who loved her apples more than that tech-giant CEO, but when she decided to share the fruits of her mischief, it wasn't for the downloaded Instagram likes: She was the chaos queen of Greek mythology who kickstarted the Trojan War by casually tossing a golden apple inscribed with "for the fairest" among the goddesses, causing World War G (G for Greek pantheon, obviously) in a divine battle of vanity and jealousy.
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